Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Guest Post - Getting In Shape: Body After Baby

Well, Fall is moving into Wyoming this week. 30 degree drop from last week. It's wet, chilly and I love it. I live for Fall, even if it does only last a month around here. However, my body is not dealing with the change very well. So, while I'm kicked back rotating out the heating pad, check out this guest post from the sweet, soon-to-be blogger, Caitlin. You can find her on Twitter @HealthyHudson!

Any of us who has experienced pregnancy and child birth knows how tough it can be to get your “pre baby” body back. And we all know it isn’t easy. You are getting used to having this wonderful little baby home with you, while trying to come up with a schedule, recover from delivery, maybe trying to breast feed for the first time – there is an endless list of adjustments going on associated with your new baby. Like I said, we all know it isn’t easy. There are, however, a number of different ways you can start to get back on track and get back in shape.

First, make sure you talk to your doctor. Your physician will most likely want to know what you are doing, what you are eating, and if it is healthy for you. If you are breast feeding you need to remember what you do and how you eat will eventually make its way into your baby. So you want to be sure you are eating a balanced diet and not consuming anything that could cause trouble with your baby’s delicate little body.

Once you have met with your doctor, look at making small changes. If you make too many changes all at once, the chances are you won’t stick to it over the long-term. Start by making sure you are drinking enough water to stay properly hydrated. Look at your diet and make sure you are eating balanced meals with protein, fruits, grains, and vegetables. Today it can be very tricky to go food shopping. What sounds like it is a healthy snack can wind up being full of fat and calories. A great place for help when it comes to healthymeal planning is ChooseMyPlate.gov. This website has plenty of great information including food shopping lists to make sure you are eating a healthy and well-balanced diet.

Obviously part of getting in shape needs to include some type of exercise. Just like making diet changes, start out small when getting back into an exercise regimen and build up over time. Trust me, getting started after childbirth will not be easy! But it will be gratifying to get back into a routine that includes healthy living. As you progress, something that looks like a solid exercise challenge is Focus t25. This looks like a high-intensity workout that will hit every area of your body and at 25 minutes, it won’t take up much time during the day which as we all know is key with a new baby around!

What I think is most important is to not be too hard on yourself. Like I said, your body has been put through a really tough process – childbirth. It will take time to just feel better and heal, let alone be ready to exercise on a regular basis. Just build it up over time and you’ll get there!


Thanks, Caitlin! Be sure to show her some love in the comments, and I hope to be back tomorrow!

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