Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So What Wednesday

So What Wednesday

So what if...

*   I'm late to the "Grey's Anatomy obsession". I started watching it on Netflix while I was sick and am  
     already in season 5. How did I ever live without it? 

*   I haven't ran in 2 weeks and still can't breath normally, I'm going for a run tonight.

*   On that note, so what if I didn't get a workout in last night. We had family come and visit!

Grandma and Wyatt

Uncle Dylan just moved here to attend the University of Wyoming!

*   We are coming into our "busy season" at work, and I have zero motivation. I need some worker elves!

*   If I'm terrified of ever having to weigh in again. I need to pull it together!


  1. I can only speak from personal experience, but I find if I choose to go longer than a week without weighing, though a decision with the best intentions, I start to give myself permission to eat erroneously because I don't have to face the scale. Good, bad, ugly...the scale keeps us honest. Yes, we/I can obsess over it too, but isn't obsessing over our health better than acquiescing to unhealthy eating because we can avoid being confirmed that we are eating unhealthy (when we pointedly avoid the scale for long periods of time)...? Just food for thought.

  2. Ugh! It's so hard to get back into it after a little slip! If I hadn't scheduled a new dietbet for less than a week after my other one ended, who knows how long I would have been out of control. I don't think I could do it with the added commitment to a no-scale month. Maybe you need some new measurable goals to keep you accountable - drinking a specific amount of water, a specific time for a really short workout each day, or take measurements for the rest of the month?

    You can do it!



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