
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

We Have a Winner!!

First things first: We have a winner for the Walgreens/Swisse Wellness Giveaway!  Julia Slater check your email! Congrats, girl!


I'm sorry for my sporadic posts as of late. My current antibiotics aren't working - blah. So, I have to go back into the doctor today for some tests as this round of the never-ending-illness has moved into my chest.

Needless to say, still no workouts. Bummer! I know that once I have the all clear to get back to it, I'm going to have to work my tail off to get my endurance back. I'm itching to go for a run, but I have to listen to my body and the doctors for the time being.

I'm hanging in there with my eating though. I've managed to lose about 1.5 lbs since the start of Jillian's DietBet. 5.5 more to go in order to be a winner on October 22nd. Hopefully I'll still be able to make it. Fingers crossed!

Being sick was not going to keep me from taking Wyatt on his first camping trip though. I have lots of pictures I need to get uploaded. Recap to come tomorrow. But, we had a blast!!

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