
Friday, September 27, 2013

5 on Friday - Giveaway

I know, I know... I've been a horrible blogger this week. Truth is - I've been feeling pretty horrible. Yes, again. Call me a broken record! We have an exciting weekend planned, and I was beginning to worry that we wouldn't be able to follow through with plans due to yet another illness. So, I forced myself to go to the doctor yesterday.


Doctor said no working out for a few more days. I have a pretty severe sinus and ear infection. Last Winter, I ended up with the same thing and couldn't get over it and ended up with pneumonia. So, they are treating it pretty aggressively this time around and I should be good as new in no time!

I'm worried about meeting my goal for Jillian's DietBet! This is not how I planned to start out. I haven't weighed myself since Monday, but I feel like I'm doing pretty well for having no workouts. Normally when sick, I stuff myself full of junk. I haven't been perfect this time, but it's by far the best I've done with food while sick so I'll consider that a NSV!


Since I've been so MIA this week, I'm extending my giveaway through tomorrow night! Giveaway is for your choice of Swisse product and a Walgreens giftcard. Total bundle valued at $100! I'll announce the winner on Monday. You can read the details about Swisse HERE

a Rafflecopter giveaway


We are going camping this weekend! This will be Wyatt's very first camping trip and I am over the moon excited! I live for camping and the outdoors and can't wait to share that with him. Lots of pictures to come!


 Wyatt's going to be a pirate for Halloween! I've been browsing different pirate costumes for a week now, I think this one is going to be the winner.


My aunt has asked me to maker her a motorcycle diaper cake for my cousin's baby due in December. As I've been going down my fitness journey, my crafting has taken a back seat. I'm excited to get back into a bit. I thought I'd share a few I have made in the past:


  1. Oh my gosh, the baby diaper motorcycles are so adorable....I've never seen those! I love making diaper cakes for my friends & family - I'll have to go pin some from pinterest now for inspiration. Thanks for the idea!!!!!

  2. Hi! This is my first time commenting, but I have been reading your blog for a little while now and really enjoy it. I have a 2 year old little boy who loves to be a lion too. Your posts about that always make me laugh. Love the diaper motorcycles! Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Such a cute Halloween costume! My boys want to be ninjas (again!).

  4. Oh! I hope you feel better! Don't worry about the DietBet - you'll do fine and even if it takes you another week to recover, you'll still have plenty of time to get your 4%. Just work on getting better, and give yourself a pat on the back for resisting junk.

    The diaper motorcycle is so cute! We have a baby shower in November and I was looking around trying to find if anyone had done a dog shaped diaper cake, but haven't found anything. Maybe I should just put a dog on a motorcycle. Cute!

    1. Oops! And your link was the most viewed at Tips and Tricks Tuesday and is featured today! Thanks so much for linking up!
