
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Trick or Treat & Birthdays

We have been overflowing with Halloween drama these past few weeks. About a month ago, I started showing Wyatt some Halloween costumes and talking up trick-or-treat. I was thinking if he was prepared and understood what was going to happen, he'd really get into it. He's been in a big animal phase lately and loves the cows out at Grandma's house, so I ordered a cow costume.

When I first showed it to him, he said, "Hi Guy! Mooo" (which is how he always talks to cows...). Wyatt loved on this cow all evening. Blankie didn't even matter when we got home, and that's saying something. I was thinking I'd hit the jackpot. He's going to LOVE being a cow, right? Wrong...

He was petrified. By the way he was acting, I fully believe Wyatt assumed the costume was going to make him into a real cow. So, I scrambled to find a plan b. Costumes were 40% off at Kmart and I found a cheapo dino costume. It was made of different material and I assumed it would feel like normal clothes. Wrong again. He was even more upset about being made into a dino. I have a hilarious video of him rolling around, crying in a dinosaur costume that will be saved for future girlfriends...

At this point, I was ready to skip Halloween this year. But decided the third time is a charm...

Wyatt the Hunter
 Our big trick-or-treat was this past Saturday morning. His little, last minute hunter costume was a big success and he had lots of fun downtown!

He already thinks he's too big to take pictures with mama. Which is a big problem for this camera loving girl.
Sunday was my birthday. A couple of weeks ago, I started running right through my shoes. This past week it had gotten to the point where my little toe was hanging out of my shoe. Not exactly the most comfortable running conditions. The boys surprised me with a quick trip down to Fort Collins, CO to have my gait evaluated and get some good shoes.

I ended up with the Brooks Ghost and my feet and legs are already much happier. If you haven't gone to an actual running store to find the proper shoes for your fit, I highly  recommend it. After we got my shoes, we had lunch with Brad's sister and headed home.

The evening was spent out at my mom's for dinner and cake.

Overall, it was the perfect weekend and a wonderful weekend thanks to these boys and my amazing family and friends...


Don't forget the Fit 4 Christmas challenge starts on Friday! Be sure to weigh-in, take your measurements and before pictures if you want to join in on the fun! I'm working on a little prize package for the person with the best results... more to come on that tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sounds like it was marvelous. :)

    Aren't kids the silliest things? We can think we 'know' them, but they can always prove differently. LOL
