
Monday, October 28, 2013

Motivation Monday - Fit 4 Christmas Challenge

It's time for another round of Motivation Monday! I hope you grab a button and come link up with us today! Share whatever motivation you got up your sleeve. Pictures, advice, recipes, struggles... I want to hear and see it all this week!

I feel like I have so much to share and am overflowing with information nonsense! I stepped away from this little 'ol blog of mine while I recovered from the never-ending illness. Then, I came back to the blog, but feel as though I wasn't really here. {she's lost her mind...} I was typing, but didn't care what I wrote about, to be honest. My heart just wasn't in to the blog there for a bit. I needed to take that little step back for a short while, but I feel like my motivation... both in life, fitness and the blog is returning. 

Determination is my middle name right now. 

If I shared everything I have on my mind today, this would be the most random, overwhelming post in the history of blog land. So, we're going to make an attempt to spread it out over the week and start with this:

I started this fitness journey with Jillian's 90 day program: Body Revolution. It was structured. Day one, you do this workout. Day 2, this dvd. etc.. Progress pictures and measurements were a big part of it and sharing those kept me going. I wanted to show what the program could really do so I remained focused. It was when that program came to a close that I've really struggled to continue my progression. 

I've tried many other challenges since then, never truly succeeding. I found it way too easy to back out when things got hard and figured since I wasn't hosting the challenge, no one would notice. Well, I've noticed. To think how far I could be right now had I changed that mentality makes me sick, but I can't go back in time and change it. 

So, I'm starting my own challenge. If any one is interested in joining me in this, let me know. If we have enough interest, I will offer a price to the person with the best results. If not, I still plan to truck right on ahead with my "Fit 4 Christmas Challenge" for myself. November 1st (which is Friday, in case you're like me and didn't realize October had come and gone). I will be weighing in, taking measurements and progress pictures. December 20th will mark the close of the challenge and results day. Any workout/health regimen you prefer.

Fear not, if you aren't a blogger, you can just shoot me an email at tiffhult27 (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in joining in! 


  1. I totally need to get fit for Christmas!! And can not believe October is almost gone!!!

  2. I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about it! I can't believe we're only a couple of days away from November! Insane!

  3. Tiffany,. that's a GREAT photo of you on your sidebar!!!

  4. Ok, Im in :) I dont know why Ive never looked at your blog before today, but I am SO glad I did :) Yes, count me in - I need to shake things up a bit and I will be taking measurements, for the FIRST TIME EVER :) thanks :) So excited, Ill blog about it tomorrow - like you said, your heart wasnt in it, Im struggling with that too when it comes to blogging, but I will post tomorrow :)

  5. p.s. I'm in, but I'm not sure what I'm 'in'... LOL

  6. I'm so in to join the challenge. I know there are a few days during that time that I will indulge, but I'm in need for a new challenge. Thank you for coming up with it!

  7. I would love to join the challenge. Let me know what I need to do!!!

    BTW--- I just found your blog through Crafty Healthy Mommy... I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of back reading!

  8. I would love to join in on the challenge! I am about 25 more lbs away from my final goal weight and could use some extra motivation.

  9. I would love to join in on the challenge! I am about 25 more lbs away from my final goal weight and could use some extra motivation.

  10. So glad I came across this! Basically following likes if people like @amberchm and such! I AM IN! Was thinking how can I hold myself accountable to this? Going to do a combo of running/Zumba/Jillian DVD to kick my a$$ back in shape! count me in, but I still don't get how to link up :)

  11. What do we do with our beginning measurements, weight and pics?

  12. I found your blog through instagram, and I love this idea! I am totally in!

  13. I am not a blogger but I plan to participate in the challenge!!

  14. I need something to get me back on track with my weight loss and blogging! Hopefully this will help!
