
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

WOW - JMBR Inspired Workout

I have now entered my last 3 weeks of Jillian Michaels - Body Revolution and do not have words for how much I have loved this program! You can see my 1-2 progress HERE. It continues to challenge me and is by far my favorite of all her programs, or any that I've tried at all for that matter.

So, today I've decided to put together a little circuit training workout using some of my favorite moves from JMBR:

I always start with a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down. You repeat each circuit one time (more if you're a real over-achiever). You can make it easier or harder by lowering or upping your weights. You can find videos of any of these moves on YouTube if you unsure of what they are. I've included videos of a few of the moves:

Scorpion Push-Ups (my new addiction.. LOVE these):

Plank Ups:

Rock Star Jumps: