
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Non-Scale Victories

It's been quite awhile since I've linked up for Non-Scale Victories. Quite frankly, there haven't been many NSV's to share for a good month and a half. That's a-changin', folks!


I have had an awesome week, health and fitness wise. I've got my mojo back and I'm runnin' with it. I'm a Wyoming girl (in case I haven't mentioned that enough). We have 2 seasons in Wyoming: Summer and Winter. Winter arrives the beginning of October and ends the middle of May. I went through all of October with one good pair of jeans and one pair ready to fall apart at the seams if I moved just wrong.

This called for an emergency jean shopping spree on my lunch break yesterday. I really dislike jean shopping, or shopping for clothes - period. I grew up with all brothers and boy cousins, fashion has just never been my thing. Anyways, unless I wanted to flash all my employees, I had to get it done.

I'M DOWN ANOTHER SIZE! I was over the moon excited. Currently, I'm sitting here in the smallest jeans I've had on in over three years. Silvers are the only jeans that fit me correctly, but they use the waist/inseam sizing. I have a goal to fit back into a 6, so I did grab a pair of other jeans to try on just to see where I'm at. I fit comfortably into a 10 right now. When I started this journey, I was in a very tight 14. Progress.

NSV #2: I'm back to working out consistently and feel like me again. Last night's workout was a quick (and difficult) 20 minute tabata routine I put together. I finished up with 95 squats to catch up on the week 1 mini challenge.

That's this week's Biggest Loser in the background. Let me tell ya, workout out with Jillian yelling at the contestants in the background is great motivation!

NSV #3:  Nutrition. I've been spot on! No splurges. Plenty of water. I haven't even been tempted to dip into Wyatt's left over Halloween candy.

NSV #4: I feel like I'm in a much better place about this journey, mentally, than I have ever been. My hiatus was a big eye opener for me. Not just in how going off the wagon affects my body and emotions, but in having realistic expectations. Before I got pregnant, I had lost around 50 pounds. It fell off easily at that time. But working out was my life. It consumed me. Exercise became an addiction, and not in a healthy way. Someday I will go further into that...

 I started this journey expecting the same results. Reality check, Tiffany. You're a single mother now. It's okay to miss a workout from time to time. It's okay if it takes a little longer to get back into those 6's. It's okay if there is some loose skin and stretch marks that weren't there before. Honestly, I feel accepting these things is the greatest Non-Scale Victory I could achieve at this point.


If you are joining me in my Fit 4 Christmas Challenge, (if you haven't yet, it's never too late!) I have opened up a Facebook group so we can all offer support and share progress/struggles throughout the challenge. You can find the group HERE. Please post and encourage one another! People with a support system are much more successful...

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for Week 2's Mini Challenge!


  1. Thanks for creating the FB group! I love having the extra motivation from everyone! After the scale going up 4lbs over the weekend.........I'm back down 2 today. So, at least it is moving in the right direction now! And I'm also trying extra super hard to stay out of the Halloween Candy at my house too! I'm going to try your Tabata HIIT tonight! Thanks for posting it!

  2. You are doing a GREAT job!!! And yes, exercise can become an addiction, too....

  3. I saw your Fit 4 Christmas Challenge on Instagram and will have to get over to FB and look for it. My goal is not only to NOT gain from now to New Years, but to lose 5 - 10 pounds. My scale has been stuck for so long, but the workouts are paying off and I've toned up. I won't complain! I find that when I'm working out, I have no desire for candy--and I'm a candy junkie. Kudos to you for your great NSVs!
