
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wheat Belly Wednesday - Edition 2

Week one down and successful!

It definitely hasn't been an easy week. Giving up grains/wheat has been difficult, but I knew it would be. Days 3-5 were by far the most difficult up to this point. All things carbs were calling my name, but I managed to pull through. It really is such an empowering feeling to be stronger than your mind. The only negative effect I've had in the past week is some pretty bad headaches. I'm assuming it's from detoxing myself of all the chemicals and processed junk. Although, I am a chronic migraine sufferer, so it could just be coincidence.

On the positive side of things, I am feeling absolutely amazing the past 2 days. Like, on top of the world amazing. I have not had this much energy or felt this 'normal' in at least 6 months. In all honesty, sick, lethargic and miserable had become my new normal. I had completely forgotten what it was like to feel truly healthy. Knock on wood that it continues... I always seem to jinx myself when I mention that I'm feeling better.

I have been trying to stay creative in the things I'm eating. I don't want to dislike or get bored with food. That will just lead to binge eating all things I know I shouldn't have. This weekend I made some zucchini boats and loved them!

They are stuffed with ground venison (in this case, deer. VERY lean), tomatoes and I added some green chili's for flavor. Topped with a bit of shredded parmeson. mmmmm. It really did hit the spot.

As for this morning's weigh-in:

Starting weight: 193.8
Week One: 188.6
Total Loss: -5.2 pounds

I'm pretty happy with that number. Currently, I'm working out about every other day due to my toe and just easing back into things in general. I made the right move in going back to JM Body Revolution. I've upped my weights this time around and am really focusing on form. My body reacts best to circuit training. I burn the same amount of calories in 30 minutes of circuit training (lifting moves, combined with short cardio bursts) as I do with 30 minutes of straight cardio as with T25 etc... And the big thing is, I enjoy it more.

We finally have a spring day today. Our first day expected to make it in the 60s. Then, snow forecasted for Sunday. So, of course, I have to take advantage of it and try and get a run in for Dakota tonight. My first run in far too long. I know it won't be pretty, but I cannot wait to hit the pavement!

Things are lookin' up, and I'm lovin' it!

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. Sounds like you had carb flu; it hits while detoxing from grains, and headaches is a classic symptom. BUT, so glad you are out on the other side and are feeling on-top-of-the-world amazing now! TOLD YA! :D

    That weight loss is phenomenal, too! Congrats! :D

  2. Nice loss and way to go on going grain free! I won't lie, I'm too scared to do it, although it intrigues me.

  3. You have inspired me to do my own personal challenge. I have let my thoughts get the best of me and I want to be stronger than that, FOREVER! Those boats look GREAT! I will be trying them this weekend.

  4. Your posts are always so inspiring and I love how your always taking on new challenges for a healthier you. I nominated you for the Liebster Award, so if you're interested you can check it out here:
