
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Skip the Bun, Please - NSV

Let's talk non-scale victories, since I clearly don't have any scale related victories to celebrate, yet.

My little brother is a freshman at the University of Wyoming here in Laramie. He comes over every other week or so to do laundry at our place. I always make a point to make him dinner and give him a break from cafeteria food. Last night, he requested cheeseburgers.
Day 1 wheat free, and I was going to make cheeseburgers and fries. Yikes! I love me a good cheeseburger. A nice, big bun, tons of mayo, ketchup and pickles. Mmmm. The thought is enough to make my mouth water. For the first time, well... probably ever, I didn't give in or justify a cheat. I had the hamburger (lean) patty with a nice big helping of veggies and didn't feel deprived at all. 

Breakfast this morning is a boiled egg and some fruit. It's hard to skip the toast, but I know that will get easier in time. I have a big salad planned for lunch. Veggies and cheese for a snack. Dinner will be something with chicken. Fail to plan - plan to fail, right?

What non-scale victories have you had recently?



  1. GREAT job, sweetie! Each victory makes the next one easier. I'm very very proud of you!

  2. Sometimes I feel like a bun fills me up too much to enjoy the burger anyway! I do not have a gluten intolerance but there are tons of products that are gluten free. I found a website that has lots of varieties of things (not just gluten free) but I noticed just one slice of bread is kinda high calorie. Anyway, it may be helpful so here it is:

    PS, I have not purchased anything from this company so you would want to do your research if you do buy their products.

  3. Great job planning! I totally agree that if you fail to plan then you plan to fail! Keep up the awesome work!
