
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ramblings + NSVs

I'm feeling a bit random today, so here we go...

First things first, I hope you all hop over and visit Sami to check out the details for her Running for Maggie Virtual 5K. This run is in honor of her beautiful sister, Maggie that was lost too soon. Join in! It's for a great cause and your time doesn't matter! This means there are no excuses. Even if it takes you 2 hours, it's better than not at all. Right? Right.

Simply Sami
Second, I love and respond to all of your comments via email. If you haven't received a reply from me, it's not because I'm ignoring you! You are set up as a "no-reply blogger". Check out Amy's steps to fix this so we can talk! Each and every one of you help motivate me so much to continue to make healthy choices, thank you so much for that!

Third, check back tomorrow for more details on the DukanDiet I've been doing, along with results up to this point. I'll also be sharing a discount if you are interested in trying it for yourself. I understand that not everyone will necessarily agree with the program, and that's fine. Honestly, I will probably be tweaking it myself for the future, but it has helped me get my sugar/carbs under control which is huge and was my main reason for trying it.

Fourth, my dad came to visit this past weekend. Wyatt was so excited to beat on have Grandpa around! We had a parade in town (only a block from our house, score!). The horses (and bull)were a big a hit with the little one. Prepare for picture overload in three, two...

I felt a bit bad for the bull. One horn must be heavier than the other.

Wyatt loves Grandpa!

In case anyone has ever wondered, horses don't care for popsicles.
Although Wyatt refused to give up on trying to feed them... 


Fifth: Non-Scale Victories....

I've completed "two-a-days" with my workouts nearly every day for the past 2 weeks. I'm starting to see some muscle definition in my upper arms which I'm beyond excited about. Maybe I'll actually achieve some Jillian arms by the end of this!

Yesterday was my cardio day. It was hot and the last thing I wanted to do was go outside and run in that nastiness. I decided I would go run one mile than come back home for some 30ds. Then this happened...

I knew I wasn't going my fastest pace, and a part of me really wanted to just give up and go with my planned "easy way out" workout, but I forced myself to continue. I'm so glad I did! It may not be my best time, but I love that calorie burn!

And last but not least, I fit into another pre-baby shirt yesterday that hasn't fit in 3 years! (I think I might spy a hint of collar bone, too).

Side Note: I have no idea what is going on with the weird format of this post. Sorry!


  1. I totally see a collar bone!! Two a days?! Keep that up and you will have better than Jillian arms!! Glad you had a good visit with your dad and thanks for linking up with us!!

  2. I admire anyone that can do 2 a days. And 444 is a great calorie burn for 3.5 miles. I clearly need to run faster because I keep ending up around 300 for 3 miles. Keep it up!

  3. Ahh girl! Thank you so much!!! (tears) And two a are you doing it? That is what I should do since I am SAHM right now!

  4. You are looking great and wow that is awesome that you are doing two a days! Great job!
