
Monday, July 22, 2013

Motivation Monday - Hiking

Welcome back to another Motivation Monday! Grab a button and come link-up with us!

When it comes to working-out, we often get stuck on the classic forms of exercise. Running, walking, lifting weights etc... One of the main causes of failing to stick with an exercise program, is we don't find something we enjoy. You don't have to run endless miles or join a Crossfit gym if that's not your thing. Losing weight and getting healthy shouldn't be a temporary goal. We are trying to find success for the rest of our lives; therefore, we need to find something we can actually do for the rest of our lives. 

Variety is key for me. Right now, I'm fortunate enough to enjoy the classic running and lifting. However, I know myself and I know that eventually I'll get burnt out on that if I don't find other things to throw into the mix from time to time.

I'm an outdoorsy girl; always have been. My idea of the perfect vacation is camping high on a mountain top, in a tent, water running near by, cooking over the camp fire. Crazy to some, but I love it. This is where I'm in my element, where I'm happiest and feel most like myself.

Medicine Bow Peak 7/20/13

Friday night, we left the baby with Grandma for a slumber party (my first time ever leaving him over night!) and headed to the Snowy Mountain Range. We backpacked in over 3 miles over hills, boulders and creeks before camping for the night.

Our camp

We got up in the morning and did a little fishing before packing up to head back out.

The scenery was absolutely gorgeous. A 3 mile hike (each way) is such a great workout! Especially when you're carrying a 20+ lb bag on your back. The best part, I don't even feel like it is a workout because I enjoy it so much. 

If you follow me on IG, you have probably already seen these. Just pretend like you haven't

I've been in a "slump" in various parts of my life the past several weeks. Due in part to this plateau and other happenings. This weekend away was just what I was needing. As we were hiking in Friday night, I found myself reflecting on how far I've actually come instead of how far I still needed to go. There is no way I could have made that hike 3-4 months ago. Heck, I probably couldn't have made it a month ago.

For so long I've focused on everyone else, and lost myself a long the way as I mention here. I was once again reminded of the things I love and my passions which was an amazing feeling. I'm starting the week feeling great and ready to bust through this plateau. 

What is your favorite form of exercise? Share some ideas in the comments!


  1. I can't get over how beautiful your pictures are! I need a weekend like yours!

  2. My husband LOVES hiking. I'm more of a gym girl myself. But as for the hubby, I know that I can't go wrong with buying him hiking gear. Now all he needs is a buddy that likes it as much as he does because his wife won't go hiking with him.haha

  3. I love working out outside; walking, hiking I can also be fine in the gym. My absolute fave is yoga.

  4. What a lovely place to hike! And yes, you rock! :)

  5. I LOVE long hikes! They seem more like fun than workouts.

    That campsite looks like a picture from a magazine!! I can believe that it was a fun time with views like that :-D

  6. Beautiful pics!! So glad you enjoyed your weekend. I still love working out in the gym. I love the heavy weights.
